Accepted Waste

Household and Office Waste

Appliances, Bedding, Cardboard, Curtains, Furniture, Mattresses, Paper, White goods

Green Waste

Branches, Bark, Christmas Trees, Flowers, Grass, Leaves, Logs, Shrubs, Weeds


Computers, Cables, Circuit Boards, Keyboards, Monitors, VCRs, DVD Players

Building Waste​

Brick, Concrete, Ceramics, Rubble, Soil, Plasterboard, Plastic, Glass, Timber / Wood, Metal

Waste 360 Does not Accept

Asbestos or Fibro

Hazardous Waste


Food Waste

Asbestos/Fibro, Contaminated Soil, Food Waste, Liquids/Chemicals, Tyres, Fire Extinguishers, Gas, Bottles, Paint Tins, Toxic Waste, Clinical Waste, Radioactive Waste, Hazardous Waste

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Will be Closed from 25th Dec to 1st January – reopen 2nd January