Appliances, Bedding, Cardboard, Curtains, Furniture, Mattresses, Paper, White goods
Branches, Bark, Christmas Trees, Flowers, Grass, Leaves, Logs, Shrubs, Weeds
Computers, Cables, Circuit Boards, Keyboards, Monitors, VCRs, DVD Players
Brick, Concrete, Ceramics, Rubble, Soil, Plasterboard, Plastic, Glass, Timber / Wood, Metal
Asbestos/Fibro, Contaminated Soil, Food Waste, Liquids/Chemicals, Tyres, Fire Extinguishers, Gas, Bottles, Paint Tins, Toxic Waste, Clinical Waste, Radioactive Waste, Hazardous Waste
It’s all about a waste-free society at Waste 360, and that’s what drives us forward each and every day.
It’s all about a waste-free society at Waste 360, and that’s what drives us forward each and every day.
Waste360 is certified to Australian and International Standards under three management systems which focus on compliance, safety and quality standards. These standards enhance our core ethical values of trust, loyalty, honesty, integrity, and respect.
63-65 Cosgrove Rd, Strathfield South NSW 2136