Health Safety & Environmental Policy

1. Application

This policy applies to all employees, contractors and joint ventures engaged in activities under the operational control of Waste 360

2. Policy objectives

At Waste 360, we are committed to the safety, health, environmental best practice and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and customers. We believe that all workplace incidents, injuries and illnesses are preventable; that everyone deserves to go home safe, every day.

Our approach to Health, Safety and the Environment is aligned to Our Waste 360 Way of doing business and the toolkits which are integral to it. In particular our commitment to ensuring that our activities, processes, and assets are managed in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, as we strive to achieve GOAL ZERO. The use of the Health & Safety toolkit underpins our overall aim to manage our assets in a Safe, Compliant, Reliable, Sustainable and Optimised manner.

We believe that attaining the highest standards in health, safety and environment is paramount to the success and sustainability of our business.

3. Operating principles

Waste 360 achieves these objectives by:

Acknowledging that Health, Safety and the Environment is central to all decisions made and underpin the operational framework at the Waste 360 facilities.

Empowering all employees and contractors to cease work where there is a threat to safety.

Consulting with employees and relevant stakeholders in the decision-making processes impacting on workplace health and safety.

Complying with all legal requirements, codes of practice and standards applicable to our activities.

Active and visible safety leadership from all employees and contractors.

Identifying and understanding the hazards inherent to the activities we undertake and effectively assessing, controlling and managing those risks.

Providing appropriate training and support to our employees and contractors to enable them to understand our vision of GOAL ZERO, and to allow them to perform their roles competently and safely.

Setting objectives, targets and key performance indicators which continually drive us to improve our health and safety performance.

Learning from our performance and continuously improving our processes and work practices; and sharing lessons learnt with others.

Ensuring that all incidents are investigated fully – specifically identifying the causal and contributing factors so that appropriate corrective actions are taken.

Regularly undertaking audits and inspections of our operations.

Effective implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.

Communicating this policy to employees and interested stakeholders; and reporting on our health and safety performance openly and transparently.

4. Responsibilities

All employees and contractors are required to:

  1. Meet the requirements of our the Waste 360 Safety Management Plan , which include ensuring critical risk controls are in place.
  2. Carry out their work in accordance with Waste360’s safety policies, processes and safe work procedures.
  1. Be accountable for their own safety, and that of others; “SLAM”Stop, Look, Assess and Manage the hazards and risks inherent to the activities they undertake.
  2. Stop work where there is a threat to their or others’ safety.
  3. Report any hazards or identified risks and all incidents which cause actual or potential injury or damage.

Reviewed and approved by the Directors on 28 February, 2023

Version control table

Document descriptionHealth and Safety Policy
Document ownerWaste 360
Document approved byDirectors, Waste 360
Version number1
Last review date28 February, 2024
Approval date28 February, 2024
Next review date28 February 2025

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